The Sims 3 Suicide Edition


Do you know that game called The Sims 3? Yeah, life control game. I Loved it once, i Unloved once.
When i downloaded a DLC Called Generations(TS3 Generations), there was a save that someone put in there.
It's called "Suicide". When i picked it, i saw the Andrews Family, There was a thing that you can hang yourself, and the Entire (Not entire) Famliy Except Their dad, his Husband disappeared and his sons and daughters, The home Disappeared,


There was a last opinion, it's called "Hang Self", Straight from That creepypasta i sav it's name "The Sims Creepy Mansion". I clicked it, and that music Everyday - Commando i guess, He hanged himself, and the text bubble said: "YOU SHOULD BUY THIS! NOT FOR FREE!".
The game Got deleted, So guys, Don't illegaly download, you MUST Get license.